Cats enjoy being outside, but the outside world also poses significant known dangers and hazards that can harm and even kill your cat. An indoor/outdoor cat can easily be made a totally indoor cat with perseverance on your part. They may resent their confinement for a short time, but they will adjust. Many cats live their entire lives without ever setting foot on grass. The difference in their life expectancy as well as quality of life speaks for itself.
Another option is a safe outdoor enclosure. It must be carefully constructed, as you need to keep other animals OUT, as well as your cat in. Screen porches work well, too, just be sure to give the kitty some way to get back into your house if they need to.
Some of the dangers of being an outside or inside/outside cat include:
- Being hit by a car
- Being hurt by people
- Being hurt by wildlife (raccoons, etc.)
- Being hurt by dogs
- Getting flea, tick, mite infestations
- Getting ringworm infestations
- Getting parasite and worm infestations
- Getting diseases – Feline Leukemia, FIP, Heartworm
- Poisoned by antifreeze on streets/parking garages
- Poisoned outside – Grass fertilizer, garden fertilizer, slug/ant/bug poisons
- Exposure to sun and getting skin cancer – light colored cats
- Choking on cat collars – getting caught on fencing, tree branches, posts, etc.
- Fighting with outdoor cats spreads disease
There are so many obvious benefits to keeping your cat indoors. Indoor cats are no less happy than outdoor kitties.
Ways to keep your indoor kitty content including:
- Provide a window perch
- Put out a bird feeder for entertainment
- Scratching posts & cat trees to climb, sleep, and hide
- Interactive toys (a stick with a string with something fun on the end)
- Provide a safe outdoor enclosure/kennel/screen porch
Some of the reasons to build an enclosure include:
- Cats love to lounge, especially in the sunshine
- Cats are happier
- It’s inexpensive to build
- Save on costly vet bills
- Save your cat’s life and health!
- Happier neighbors
Your cat can fulfill his or her desire for the “outside” without the dangers of cat fights, dog attacks, attacks from raccoons or coyotes, toxins, cars, irritating your neighbors, or poisonings. Behavior problems (such as spraying or urinating) will lesson. You save on expensive vet bills.
Most importantly, by providing a happy, safe and practical environment, you are ensuring your cat has a chance to remain your loving family pet for a much longer life. And kitty might just “get along” better!
Enclosures can be partially or fully covered; large or small; seasonal or year-round; permanent or temporary. If you rent, you can plug the holes easily when you move, or maybe the landlord would want it for another renter.
Enclosures can be constructed inexpensively and can also be added to over time. The basic materials needed are 2x4s or 2x2s, and 1×2” galvanized wire or chicken wire. The frames base can be “nailed” into a cement patio, or you can drive the long studs (nails) into a dirt floor or grass.
Some key decisions you will need to make:
Size – Big or small? You can build this to be window box size, or as large as you need! It can be a regular rectangle or an elaborately designed “room.”
Location – Where do you want the enclosure to be? You can build off an existing window, door, patio, or a “cat door” can be installed through an exterior wall to provide access.
Seasonal or year-round? This will determine the type of roof and walls.
Accessibility – How will you access the enclosure? Make sure you provide a lockable outside access door. You can put shelving and tunnels for lounging and exercise – as well as an outdoor litter pan! You can also plant “kitty grass” in a pot or planter for your cat to happily chew on some greens (and not your houseplants!)
Kitty Furniture – Ramps are great for the older, less able pet. Don’t forget other kitty furniture, like a condo, a doghouse, or a tree limb for climbing or scratching!
We recommend that the enclosure has 3-4 sides and a roof. Cats have amazing climbing skills (as do some other critters) and you want to make sure that kitty stays inside where she or he is safe and the other critters, like raccoons, stay out. Really well-planned enclosures can be an oasis for family and pets. Lattice walls and ceilings with lights and ceiling fans make an attractive patio room.
One builder created a 14′ x 8′ patio covered enclosure in one afternoon, spending less than $200! Another, used scraps for their outdoor enclosure!
Check garage sales, Nextdoor, free cycle aps, or Craigslist for “free” items such as cat trees, lumber, carpet remnants, cabinets (which can be converted into kitty-condos), and rope and wood for scratching posts.
Examples of enclosures constructed by our members:
Figure 1 & 2: Constructed off living room window onto existing patio. Used chicken wire and 2x4s. Tower is a bathroom vanity, turned on-end. The condo on the right is made from an old speaker box, a satellite dish, wine cases, and carpet remnants.
Figures 3 & 4: Upgraded my original catio (Figures 1 – 2) after an addition to my home. Contractor used 1/5″ square wire mesh (black PVC coated) off of a slider from the master bedroom with cat doors through the walls of the master bedroom and living room; with gate opening to the patio.
Figure 5 & 6: Constructed off living room window onto existing patio. Used chicken wire and 2x4s.
Figure 7: Constructed off kitchen with protective trellise overhead
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Figure 8 & 9: Constructed off back/side patio
Figure 10: Constructed off back patio with screen door opening to kennel
Figure 11 & 12: Cat kennel built in back yard with chicken wire and 2x4s
Figure 13 & 14: This enclosure is made out of coat-wire ventilated closet shelving purchased at a hardware store or Home Depot. Total cost is about $400 for 5′ deep X 8′ long X 6′ high. See more here.
More links for designing and building cat enclosures:
Catio Guy
Expert Builder Series #10 With Bay Area Catios – Custom Catios
Facebook-Bay Area Catios
Search Wayfair, Amazon or similar online vendors for catios that can be assembled by DIYers