There’s a wonderful website launched called Be the Change for Animals, or about encouraging people to stand up and be a voice for the animal community. The website encourages bloggers to get more involved in improving the lives of animals, by getting involved in an animal cause, and blogging for change for them.
One of these bloggers who is doing just that is Savannah, whose blog can be found at Savannah’s Paw Tracks. In her blog she says, “I hope I Can Be The Change For Animals every day of my life.” Savannah has also started working with and supporting us at CC4C. Thank you Savannah for your support and mentioning us on your blog! In Savannah’s blog post she highlights the debate about feral cats killing wildlife. It’s a contentious debate with many recent articles published demonizing stray and feral cats for killing birds and other wildlife.
This is one reason why we at CC4C are such staunch advocates for always keeping cats indoors, and why we spend so much time trapping, spaying and neutering, and feeding stray and feral cats–to reduce their population and breeding. But killing them does not solve the problem. Killing one animal or species to save another animal is not rational thinking in this case, nor a moral solution. And killing them doesn’t make the problem go away. It’s only cruel, inhumane, and unethical. But a good trap-neuter-release policy presents a sound, humane solution, and when coupled with daily feeding, provides long-term care and support while reducing the potential cat population.