Getting a new cat is exciting, but before finding your perfect cat, you may want to consider the lifetime costs associated with kitty’s care. It’s important to be aware of and prepared for the financial responsibility of having a cat. Below is an estimate of annual expenditures.
Item | Annual Cat Costs |
Food1 | $250-500 |
Recurring Medical (& Checkup)2 | $75-500 |
Toys/Treats | $50 |
Litter3 | $100-300 |
Health Insurance4(opt) | $400 (optional) |
Miscellaneous | $50 |
Annual Total | $525-1,800 |
Initial Costs | |
Food | $40 |
Food & Water Dishes | $20 |
Litter Box & Scooper | $35 |
Carrier | $50 |
Cat Bed/ Sleeping Pad | $30 |
Scratching Post | $40 |
Toys | $15 |
Initial Total | $230 |
CC4C Provided by Adoption Fee | |
Spay/Neuter | $350-$1500 (private vets) |
Microchip | $40 |
Vaccinations | $80 |
Deworming | $20-50 |
Defleaing | $20 |
CC4C Provided by Adoption Fee | $510 |
1 Premium brand wet and dry cat food
2 Annual medical exam and possible FVRCP vaccination (every 3 years); rabies and/or FeLV at Veterinarian’s recommendation; and possible medical problem that might require a vet check and medical treatment
3 Scoopable cat litter, scooped daily
4 Insurance coverage varies; annual deductible also varies – this is optional