Roxie was abandoned outside the animal shelter in the parking lot. A CC4C member, Kris, rescued her from there and another member, Kay, fostered her. Kris Z. Kay had her for several months…
She was so shy (and would strike and nip) so no way could she go to adoptions. After months of work she really mellowed (but continued to duck and squint if you approached her). Now she loves pets and especially belly rubs, but still does not like to be held. So she became the featured kitty in Gary’s column and I got one call.
This lady came out and she watched from my patio (a long ways away) while I picked up Roxie and put her in my lap and gave her some pets. She quietly walked up, but as Roxie saw her approach she darted off my lap to her bed. She stared at Sue with huge frightened eyes (a gorgeous blue/green) and Sue just melted and said, “I think she belongs with me in a forever home.”
However she only wanted to take her as a foster at that time because she was concerned that maybe Roxie would not be happy with her. Needless to say I was thrilled to see Roxie get out of my enclosure as she had been living there for months. Jane and I would sometimes let her roam in my yard and then grab her and put her back. (This led to some hilarious incidences with Jane flying over the fence on a couple of occasions.)
I can’t remember exactly, but this all happened probably a year ago. I kept in touch with Sue and she was making very slow progress with Roxie (as I had done myself). She loves Roxie and needed a sitter for 3 months. She was willing to return Roxie and understood that Roxie would “be available for adoption” and by the time she returned she might not be able to adopt Roxie. She shared all this while crying.
I said I would take care of Roxie for her, but was a little concerned she might not return for her. I asked Kris what could we do with Roxie if Sue changed her mind. Kris said the only alternative she could think of was to return Roxie to a feral population (no way for me I was already hooked on her) or try to find her a home (very slim chance of that). But as it turned out Sue kept in touch with me via phone, e-mail and even made a few visits to Roxie (at which time she acted like a little brat of course!). Every time though Sue would have tears in her eyes and ask if I had found another home for her and I reassured her that I was only babysitting HER cat.
Well, on her last call she was so excited that she would be picking up her baby on Oct 1st.
The two were happily reunited!