I am now showing off my THIRD Adult Homeless Foster Cat. Let me introduce you to my pal, IRISH…he is two years old…a total mancat bachelor searching for his forever family.
Savannah: “Hello Irish. Thanks for responding to my text message so fast. I really wanted to get this interview and photo shoot with you wrapped up for my Friday blog post. You’re a real pal for taking the time.”
Irish: *waves paw to Savannah* Hey Savannah, no problem. Actually time is what I have a lot of these days. I just hang out here in the free roaming cat room and try to not bug anybody else. ”
Savannah: “I know this isn’t your ‘real’ home; just a stopping off place. But something must have happened to you Irish to cause you to end up here. You are certainly in great health from the looks of you and just two years old. So what’s the scoop? ”
Irish: *shuffles paws uncomfortably* This is a bit of a hard story to share Savannah. You see, I was what humans call a ‘neighborhood’ cat. I was living on the streets in a neighborhood for as long as I can remember. I think I was abandoned by humans when I was about 9-12 months old. No idea why, but I clearly wasn’t feral. Some of the humans fed me now and then. Finally one started to feed me more regularly and I hung out near that house.”
Savannah: “Irish, you must have been so lonely.”
Irish: *shuffles paws uncomfortably* This is a bit of a hard story to share Savannah. You see, I was what humans call a ‘neighborhood’ cat. I was living on the streets in a neighborhood for as long as I can remember. I think I was abandoned by humans when I was about 9-12 months old. No idea why, but I clearly wasn’t feral. Some of the humans fed me now and then. Finally one started to feed me more regularly and I hung out near that house.”
Savannah: “Irish, you must have been so lonely.”
Irish: “I guess so Savannah, but at that time I didn’t even know what loneliness was. I just knew I needed water, food and a warm dry place to sleep. Anyway, as I was saying, this one human started to feed me regularly and she noticed I was really going downhill. My furs were getting dirty, I was losing weight and I started to kind of totter along as I walked.
This human also noticed that the middle of my tail was all chewed up, raw and ugly. So they contacted this rescue, Community Concern 4 Cats (CC4C) to ask for help for me. A nice lady came to their home and she could pick me up easily and took me straight away to a VET.
Savannah: “Oh my cat! Irish, didn’t your tail hurt? You must have been in so much pain!!”
Irish: “I most certainly was, and when I went to the VET the first time, he said my tail must be amputated.”
Savannah *GASP!* “You must be kidding?! *looks back at her tail with concern* I can’t imagine losing my tail!”
Irish: “Neither could I, and they also discovered I wasn’t neutered either. As if all that wasn’t enough, the VET looked at my eye
s, ears and gums and could see I was very jaundiced so he did some blood work and took an xray. It didn’t come back with good news. My liver and kidney functions were all down. And they could see that my right hind leg had been broken, healed wrongly on its own but I don’t have a limp thankfully. Then, this VET told the rescue lady I must be euthanized.
Savannah: “Aiieeee!! Oh Cat!! Irish, no, no…I know how it feels to have humans say you must be put to sleep; ended! I am so very sorry this happened. But you are right here in front of me, so what happened?”
Irish: “Well this rescue lady doesn’t give up that easy or fast. She thanked the VET and said she would take me home with some antibiotics and other meds for my tail and let him know how I was doing.
She called this Feline Specialist VET who is retired but gives her time and skill free to CC4C. This lady VET said ‘He is just dehydrated, give him fluids and lots and lots of food; keep him on antibiotics to clear up the infection on his tail. She said it could be that tail problem that caused the jaundice.”
I rebounded enough that they could finally safely amputate my tail. And as you can see, it kind’a looks like a bunny rabbit tail…*sits up so Savannah can see his tail.*”
Savannah: You’re right Irish; you DO have a bunny tail!! “. Tell me something about yourself Irish. How would you describe your personality to your new forever family?”
Irish: *hmmm…tapping claw on tile floor* “I guess first I want to say how much I love to play. I don’t get much chance here in the cat room to play interactively with a human. And I want my forever family to know I am very affectionate and easy to get along with; I am also pretty laid back with others cats too.
Savannah: “Tell me what makes you special?”
Irish: “You mean besides my bunny tail and mancatly good looks! *Irish looks surprised then winks at Savannah* Well, given all I have been through, I am very trusting of humans and believe that they will protect me and take care of me.”
As for my hopes and dreams about what I want in my forever home…lots of interaction with my humans; lots of interactive play, after all I have playtime to catch up on! I don’t particularly think I will want to have very young children trying to pull my bunny tail and dogs kind of scare me; so no dogs preferred.”
It seems like I am asking for the moon Savannah.”
Savannah: Absolutely NOT! You are barely asking for the basics all indoor cats need Irish. You forever family is out there right now searching for you. I hope I can get enough of my pals to SHARE and RETWEET you all over social media to shine a beacon of positive white energy on you so your forever family can find you fast!
Irish: “As you say Savannah, paw pats. I so hope you are right.”
Here is a great video of Irish showing off his loving nature…short video I promise!
PLEASE SHARE SHARE SHARE Irish on any and all social media networks with which you interact. Just putting his name out in the universe with positive energy can help Irish get close to his forever family.
Anyone can learn more about Irish by contacting his foster human at: gemmaos at sbcglobal dot net.